Number theory, least common multiple (LCM), greatest common divisor (GCD), primes, factorization, congruences, modular arithmetic.
Divisibility, modular arithmetic, primes, greatest common divisors
Textbook 30 pages
Number theory, LCM and GCD, primes and factorization, congruences and modular arithmetic, applications to computer science.
Lecture notes
Screencast on divisibility (Trevor)
Screencast 10 minutes TrevTutor
Screencast on modular arithmetic (Trevor)
Screencast 9 minutes TrevTutor
Screencast on primes and greatest common divisor (Trevor)
Screencast on Euclid’s algorithm (Trevor)
Modular arithmetic (Rosen Section 4.1)
Prime factorization, greatest common divisor, least common multiple, Euclidean algorithm (Rosen Section 4.3)