import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
import java.util.Queue;

 * Models a Huffman tree and provides both Huffman coding and decoding services.
 * <p>
 * This Huffman tree is not generic; it only works with bytes.  All Huffman
 * instances are full trees (meaning every node has 0 or 2 children).  They
 * have at least one internal node.  That is, the root node may never also be
 * a leaf node.
 * <p>
 * When encoding, a Huffman tree writes the following data to the output stream:
 * <ul>
 * <li>the number of bytes to be encoded (as an int, so 4 bytes, big-endian)
 * <li>the Huffman tree used for the encoding.  This is specified using a
 * pre-order DFS traversal of the tree, indicating each internal nodes with a
 * 0 bit and each leaf node a 1 bit followed immediately by the byte (8 bit)
 * value in that leaf node.
 * <li>the encoding data, which consists of variable-length prefix-free codes
 * describing paths through the given Huffman tree to the the leaf node
 * corresponding to each original data byte.
 * </ul>
 * <p>
 * When decoding, the input stream must provide the data in exactly the format
 * as output by the encoding algorithm.  If not, the resulting behavior is
 * undefined.
 * @author Zach Tomaszewski
 * @since  15 Nov 2012
public class Huffman {

  public static final String HUFF_EXT = ".huff";
  private HuffmanNode<Byte> root;

   * Builds a Huffman tree suitable for encoding the given byte array.
   * <p>
   * The tree will contain 1 leaf node for each unique byte value and each
   * leaf will contain a count of that byte value's frequency in the data.
   * <p>
   * If the byte array is of size 0, no tree is constructed (ie, the root
   * will still be null.)
   * <p>
   * The root node cannot be a leaf node.  This is because the encoding is
   * comprised of left and right movements from the root, and so no bit
   * pattern corresponds to the root node itself.  Therefore, if there
   * is only a single unique byte, an extra dummy leaf node with a byte
   * value of 0 and a count of 0 will be created but not used.
   * @param bytes  The complete data to be encoded using this tree.
  public Huffman(byte[] bytes) {
    // map each byte value to its frequency count
    Map<Byte, Integer> values = new HashMap<Byte, Integer>();
    for (byte b : bytes) {
      if (values.containsKey(b)) {
        values.put(b, values.get(b) + 1);  //add one to current count
      }else {
        values.put(b, 1);

    // load a priority queue with TreeNodes of all unique byte values &
    // corresponding counts
    Queue<HuffmanNode<Byte>> pq = new PriorityQueue<HuffmanNode<Byte>>();
    for (Byte b : values.keySet()) {
      pq.add(new HuffmanNode<Byte>(b, values.get(b)));

    while (pq.size() < 2) {
      // add an extra dummy leaf node with count of 0
      pq.add(new HuffmanNode<Byte>((byte) 0, 0));

    // build tree of nodes by grabbing next two smallest counts from front of
    // of PQ, building a parent node to connect the two, and putting the new
    // parent back into the PQ.  Repeat until only one node left: root of the
    // new Huffman tree
    while (pq.size() > 1) {
      pq.offer(new HuffmanNode<Byte>(pq.poll(), pq.poll()));

    // store root of finished tree (maybe to null if pq is empty)
    this.root = (pq.size() > 0) ? pq.poll() : null;

   * Builds a Huffman tree as read from the given input bit stream.
   * <p>
   * The stream must be at the start of the tree data, after the byte count
   * header.  Reads from the stream until the end of the tree, which leaves
   * the given BitReader at the start of the encoding data.
   * @throws IOException If cannot read from stream.
//  public Huffman(BitReader input) throws IOException {
//  }

   * Reads bits from the given reader, decoding the given number of
   * byte values before stopping.  Writes decoded bytes to the given
   * output stream.
   * @param bytes  The number of value to decode according to this tree
   * @param in     The reader to read bits from
   * @param out    Where to write decode byte values
   * @throws IOException  If can't read/write from/to streams
//  public void decode(int bytes, BitReader in, OutputStream out)
//        throws IOException {
//  }

   * Encodes the given bytes based on this tree's structure, writing the
   * resulting bits to the given output stream.
   * @throws IOException  If there is a problem writing to stream.
  public void encode(byte[] bytes, BitWriter out) throws IOException {
    if (this.root == null) {
      return;  //can't encode anything

    // get a dictionary mapping of byte values to bit-paths to leaf node
    Map<Byte, List<Boolean>> dict = new HashMap<Byte, List<Boolean>>();
    loadPaths(dict, this.root, new ArrayDeque<Boolean>());

    // use map to write out encoded bytes
    for (byte b : bytes) {
      List<Boolean> path = dict.get(b);
      for (boolean bit : path) {

   * Loads the given map with paths through this tree to each unique leaf-node
   * byte value.  Paths are given as false and true booleans for 0/left and
   * 1/right, respectively.
   * @param paths  The map to load
   * @param node   The current node to consider in a path from root to leaf
   * @param path   The path so far from root to the current node; should be
   *               empty in the initial call to this recursive method.
  private static void loadPaths(Map<Byte, List<Boolean>> paths,
                                HuffmanNode<Byte> node, Deque<Boolean> path) {
    if (node == null) {
      assert false: "Fell off the tree, which should never happen.";
    }else if (node.getData() == null) { //this is an internal node
      //first, go left
      path.addLast(false);  //0
      loadPaths(paths, node.getLeft(), path);

      //now go right
      path.addLast(true);  //1
      loadPaths(paths, node.getRight(), path);
    }else {
      //a leaf node, so save copy of path into paths map
      paths.put(node.getData(), new ArrayList<Boolean>(path));

   * Writes this tree in byte-encoded form to the given bit writer.
  public void write(BitWriter out) throws IOException {
    write(this.root, out);

  private static void write(HuffmanNode<Byte> node, BitWriter out)
                            throws IOException {
    if (node == null) {
    }else {
      if (node.getData() == null) {
        //internal node
      }else {
        //leaf node
      write(node.getLeft(), out);
      write(node.getRight(), out);

   * Returns a multiline pre-order traversal this Huffman tree.
  public String toString() {
    return (this.root == null) ? "" : this.root.toFullString("|");

  //--static methods--

   * Compresses the file named by the given filename.  Produces the output
   * filename by appending ".huff" to the given filename.
   * @param filename  Name of the file to compress.
   * @throws IOException If cannot read/write files.
   * @see #compress(InputStream, OutputStream)
  public static void compress(String filename) throws IOException {
    String out = filename + HUFF_EXT;
    BufferedInputStream filein = new BufferedInputStream(
                                    new FileInputStream(filename));
    BufferedOutputStream fileout = new BufferedOutputStream(
                                    new FileOutputStream(out));
    try {
      compress(filein, fileout);
    }finally {
      //close streams, even if an IOException flies by

   * Compresses the given input stream, writing to the given output stream.
   * <p>
   * Writes all required parts of the output file format: the byte count
   * header, the encoded tree, and then the encoded data.
   * @throws IOException  If there are any read/write error.
  public static void compress(InputStream in, OutputStream out)
      throws IOException {

    //read the file, storing it in a byte array buffer
    ByteArrayOutputStream buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    while (true) {
      int b =;
      if (b == -1) {
        break;  //end of input stream
      }else {

    //build a tree from the bytes
    byte[] bytes = buffer.toByteArray();
    Huffman tree = new Huffman(bytes);
    //debug check:

    //write output, starting with byte count as a 4-byte int
    for (int i = 3; i >= 0; i--) {
      out.write(bytes.length >> (i * 8));
    BitWriter bitStream = new BitWriter(out);
    tree.encode(bytes, bitStream);

   * Decompresses the file named by the given filename.  Produces the output
   * filename by removing ".huff" from the given filename.
   * @throw IOException  If cannot read/write the files.
   * @throw IllegalArgumentException  If filename does not end in HUFF_EXT
  public static void decompress(String filename) throws IOException {
    if (!filename.endsWith(HUFF_EXT)) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(filename + " does not end in " +
    String out = filename.substring(0, filename.lastIndexOf(HUFF_EXT));
    BufferedInputStream filein = new BufferedInputStream(
                                   new FileInputStream(filename));
    BufferedOutputStream fileout = new BufferedOutputStream(
                                     new FileOutputStream(out));
    try {
      decompress(filein, fileout);
    }finally {
      //close streams, even if an IOException flies by

   * Decompresses the given input stream, writing to the given output stream.
   * @throws IOException  If there are any read/write error.
  public static void decompress(InputStream in, OutputStream out)
        throws IOException {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("You have not implemented this yet.");
    //read in byte count from input stream
    //wrap input stream in a BitReader
    //build a tree = new Huffman(BitReader)
    //use tree to decode given number of byte from bitreader