Your grade in this class will be based upon the following graded assignments:
Homework. Yes, there’s homework. Your homework will account for 40% of your grade. Assignments will be assigned on Tuesday and due at the end of the following week in your TA recitation sections.
In class participation. We’re going to work on problems in groups in class. Your grade will be based on completing these assignments and asking questions. This will be 10% of your grade.
Quizzes. Quizzes will occasionally be given before class to make sure that you’re ready to participate in class. Keep in mind that this course is “inverted”, so you’ll be expected to have watched the screencasts and read the textbook before coming to class. These quizzes will be 10% of your grade.
Exams. There will be a midterm and a final exam. Each of these exams will be worth 20% of your grade.
Your cumulative number of points and your percentage of points out of all possible will be available to you throughout the semester.
For homework assignments, the late penalty will be 10% for every weekday it is late (10% if turned in by the following Monday, 20% by Tuesday, etc.) Assignments more than a week late (Friday after it is due) will not be accepted.
For your final grade, I guarantee an A to all students with at least 90% of all possible points, a B to all students with points between 80-89%, and a C to all students with point between 70-79%. Depending upon the way the grading actually works out, I reserve the right to adjust the percentages downward (so, for example, it may turn out that 88% could be enough for an A), but I will never adjust the percentages upward. Thus, it is possible for everyone in the class to receive an A if everyone in the class earns at least 90% of all points.