
Your grade in this class will be based upon the following graded assignments:

Your cumulative number of points and your percentage of points out of all possible will be available to you throughout the semester.

Homework: Late Penalty

For homework assignments, the late penalty will be 10% for every weekday it is late (10% if turned in by the following Monday, 20% by Tuesday, etc.) Assignments more than a week late (Friday after it is due) will not be accepted.


For your final grade, I guarantee an A to all students with at least 90% of all possible points, a B to all students with points between 80-89%, and a C to all students with point between 70-79%. Depending upon the way the grading actually works out, I reserve the right to adjust the percentages downward (so, for example, it may turn out that 88% could be enough for an A), but I will never adjust the percentages upward. Thus, it is possible for everyone in the class to receive an A if everyone in the class earns at least 90% of all points.