Introduction to the Queue and Dequeue ADT.
The student will:
Implement several different versions of the Queue interface.
Compare the trade-offs between the two different implementations.
Quiz 15 Oct 12:00 AM
Outcomes assessed: Learn about and implement the Queue data structure
This assessment will verify that students understand the basics of Queues by implementing an linked based queue.
Quiz 17 Oct 12:00 AM
Outcomes assessed: Learn about and implement the Queue data structure
This assessment will verify that students understand the basics of Queues by implementing an array based queue.
Outcomes assessed: Learn about and implement the Queue data structure, Learn about the Java programming language, Use standard libraries or packages as well as advanced object-oriented programming techniques, Be exposed to software engineering techniques, Be exposed to software testing techniques
This assessment will verify that students understand the basics of Queues by implementing a grocery store checkout line simulator.