Module: Simple Sorting Algorithms

Introduction to sorting data.

Learning Outcomes

Learn about the Java programming language

The student will:

Use standard libraries or packages as well as advanced object-oriented programming techniques

The student will:

Learn about and implement standard algorithms for sorting arrays

The student will:

Learn about and understand the Array data structure.

The student will:

Be exposed to software engineering techniques

The student will:

Be exposed to software testing techniques

The student will:


Experiential Learning


Q03: Identify Sorts

Quiz 25 Jan 12:00 AM

Outcomes assessed: Learn about and understand the Array data structure., Learn about and implement standard algorithms for sorting arrays, Learn about the Java programming language

This assessment will verify that students understand the basic sorting algorithms.

H03: Sorting Arrays


Outcomes assessed: Learn about the Java programming language, Use standard libraries or packages as well as advanced object-oriented programming techniques, Learn about and understand the Array data structure., Learn about and implement standard algorithms for sorting arrays, Be exposed to software engineering techniques, Be exposed to software testing techniques

This assessment will verify that students understand the basics of Big-O notation and Quadratic Sorting Algorithms such as:

  • Insertion Sort,
  • Bubble Sort, and
  • Selection Sort.

The students will implement all three sorting algorithms for arrays of objects.