Basing your final project on your HACC challenge solution

It would be awesome to continue working on your HACC challenge solution as your final project in ICS 314. Here are the constraints that must be satisfied:

The Challenge Solution must be based on our tech stack

To use your challenge solution as a final project, it must be built using the ICS 314 tech stack. That means your HACC challenge should use the following technologies:

You must satisfy the team membership constraints for ICS 314

While you can work with anyone you wish for HACC, you must be on a team of 3-5 people, drawn from your section, for your final project.

Note that you are not restricted to your mini-section for your final project team membership. Anyone from your section (i.e. 001, 002, 003) can be on your team.

This means that when forming your HACC team, you should recruit at least three and no more than five people from your 314 section.

Your HACC challenge solution is the start point, not the end point

The first project milestone is Nov. 19, and your HACC challenge is due that same week. This effectively means that your ICS 314 first milestone deliverable is your HACC challenge solution.

It is a requirement for your final project that the second milestone is significantly more functional than the first, and that the third milestone is significantly more functional than the second.

So, electing to use your HACC challenge solution for your final project does not mean you are done with work on your final project on Nov 19. It simply sets a baseline for future work.