Fall 2020 Student-generated project ideas

Here are additional project possibilities for Spring 2020

UH AthleteHealth

The problem: UH athletes require more extensive monitoring and documentation of their health status. This monitoring and documentation is currently done in a manual fashion.

The solution: A web application providing an online system to provide more efficient, high quality monitoring and documentation of student athletes.

As a “special sauce”, provide export facilities to integrate with conventional medical records systems.

If you pick this project, you cannot name your app “UH AthleteHealth”.

For potential ideas related to this project, see Franz Adam’s essay

Hawaii COVID Chatbot

The problem. Although there’s a wide range of information on COVID-19 available on the internet, it can be hard to find exactly what you need. The call centers available are currently overloaded with people asking questions like “Where is the nearest testing center?” or “What do I do if my family member tested positive?”

The solution. Provide a web application that functions as a “chatbot”. Users can enter their question in natural language using a simple form, and the system will parse the question and generate a response.

As a “special sauce”, provide support for an additional language other than English common by immigrants to Hawaii.

If you pick this project, you cannot name your app “HawaiiCovidChatbot”.

For more ideas related to this project, see Eric’s Lam’s essay.

Crowd-Sourced COVID Info

The problem: The amount of information regarding COVID is: (a) very large, (b) of varying quality/accuracy, and (c) changing frequently.

The solution: A web application that provides crowd-sourced acquisition of COVID-related information. This can include both medical information about COVID, as well as financial/social service information. The information can be both submitted by users, and rated by users (and/or admins) as to its accuracy, validity, and timeliness.

As a special sauce, provide support for automatically importing information from other COVID sites using web scraping technologies such as Puppeteer.

If you pick this project, you cannot name your app “CrowdSourcedCOVIDInfo”.

For more ideas related to this project, see Austin Chong’s essay

COVID Crisis Line

The problem: The pandemic has created a large amount of stress, anxiety, depression, and internal problems for the students along with their friends and their family.

The solution: A web applications that provides a message board for real-time chatting as well as threaded asynchronous postings related to COVID.

As a special sauce, provide a chatbot function.

If you pick this project, you cannot name your app “COVIDCrisisLine”.

For more ideas related to this project, see Matthew Kirts’ essay and Chris Dang’s essay.

UH Visual Planner

The problem: It’s hard to visualize your progress through a UH degree program.

The solution: A visual planner that provides a click-and-drag interface to support experimentation with the placement of courses and path to degree process.

The first version requires students to manually specify the classes they have already taken and the degree program they are interested in.

As a special sauce, integrate with a browser window open to the student’s STAR Academic Essentials tab.

If you pick this project, you cannot name your app “UHVisualPlanner”.

For more details related to this project, see Kiko Whiteley’s essay.