E04: Experience TechHui


This assignment helps you develop your networking skills and professional relationships. With the advent of social network technologies, it is easier than ever to create (or destroy) an online reputation. For this assignment, you will practice your “professional” social networking skills in the context of the TechHui social network.

First, join TechHui, and include a “professionally appropriate” photograph of yourself.

Note: it may take up to 72 hours for your request to join TechHui to be approved. Be sure to sign up on the site by Thursday, and use your hawaii.edu account!

Once you are approved by the TechHui moderator to join the site, join the uh-ics-students group.

Third, post a comment to both the “Three bad things about being an ICS student” and “Three good things about being an ICS student”. Remember that every post you make to TechHui becomes part of your “permanent record”. The goal of this exercise is to help you think about how to provide both positive and negative feedback in a way that you won’t regret later.

Note: it might be tempting to simply read previous entries and post a “me too” response. You will regret that later: it gives the impression that you are not capable of independent thought. Take the time to respond in a thoughtful, creative, and insightful manner.

Submission instructions

By the date and time indicated on the Schedule page, submit this assignment through Laulima. Your submission should be the URL (starting with http:) to your home page on TechHui. I will also check the uh-ics-students group for your comments.