Module: Testing

Designing and implementing simple acceptance tests using TestCafe.

Sections 3,4: Thu, Nov 16 - Thu, Nov 23
Sections 1,2,5: Fri, Nov 17 - Fri, Nov 24

Learning Outcomes

Design and implement effective test suites


Guided tour of the testing module

Why, what, how, and when you will learn about testing

Introduction to testing

Motivation, unit, integration, and acceptance testing, and continuous integration

Introduction to acceptance testing in Bowfolios

How to use TestCafe to test the BowFolio system.

Meteor Guide: Testing

How to test Meteor applications

Mocha: A Javascript Test Framework

Reference guide to Mocha

Chai: A Javascript Assertion Library

Reference guide to Chai

Test Cafe: A Javascript Acceptance Test Framework

Reference guide to TestCafe

The testing pyramid should look more like a crab

It’s time to fully embrace end-to-end (acceptance) testing

Experiential Learning

E61: Experience testing meteor-application-template-react

Write an acceptance test for our template

E62: Experience testing your final project

Write acceptance tests for your final project