Checklist for Final Project Milestone 3

Functional requirements

[ ] Significantly improve the functionality of your system from Milestone M2.

[ ] Incorporate a significant amount of “real” data into your system. For example, if you are building a system that has recipes, then there should be at least 50 real recipes in your system, with accurate photos and descriptions. If your system involves a community of musicians, then you must find at least a dozen people who are willing to provide realistic information about their musical practices appropriate for inclusion in the system.

Software engineering requirements

[ ] Use GitHub issues and a GitHub project called “M2” to manage the development of this release of the system.

[ ] Use Issue Driven Project Management practices.

[ ] Update your organization’s GitHub Page to document the current version of your system following GitHub hosting guidelines.

[ ] All branches are named according to IDPM guidelines.

[ ] Implement TestCafe “availability” tests for all pages. That means testing to see that all pages in the application are displayed, and that all forms operate correctly with legal inputs.

[ ] Put your system under contiguous integration using GitHub Actions. That means that each time a commit is made to the master branch, the system is checked for ESLint errors and that all TestCafe tests are run.

[ ] Display the current results of continuous integration via a badge on your project home page.

Project Home Page requirements

[ ] A link to the GitHub organization associated with this project and all of its repositories.

[ ] An “Overview” which summarizes what the system does and the problems it is intended to solve for the UH Community.

[ ] A “User Guide” section. The user guide should guide the user through all of the currently implemented functionality of the system. The user guide should include up-to-date screen shots with textual descriptions of what the user can accomplish on the page.

[ ] A “Community Feedback” section. In this section, summarize your findings from having 5 community members (not from ICS 314) try out your application.

[ ] A “Developer Guide” section. The developer guide should guide a developer through the process of downloading, installing, running, and modifying the system.

[ ] A link to the running deployment of your system on Digital Ocean.

[ ] A link to the M1 Project page, showing what issues were completed for this milestone. It is appropriate that by the time of the due date, there are no issues in the BackLog or In Progress for this milestone.

[ ] A link to the M2 Project page, showing what issues were completed for this milestone. It is appropriate that by the time of the due date, there are no issues in the BackLog or In Progress for this milestone.

[ ] A link to the M3 Project page, showing what issues were completed for this milestone. It is appropriate that by the time of the due date, there are no issues in the BackLog or In Progress for this milestone.