Project: Manoa Munchies


The problem: There are many food choices on campus: campus center, food trucks, Manoa Gardens, Paradise Palms, vending machines, and so forth. Let’s say you have a desire for chinese food today for lunch. What places on campus are serving chinese food menu items today? Alternatively, let’s say that you love the fresh salmon fillet at Campus Center, but that dish is only served once every few weeks. How do you find out on the day that it’s available?

The solution: The Manoa Munchie app enables you to login on your phone and determine:

For this app, you will create a way to organize and present available menu items for all campus locations in a unified manner. There are two roles: Students, who can login with their UH ID to find out food choices, and admins, who also can login with their UH ID to set up vendors and otherwise administer the system.

Your app should provide a consolidated, easy to use source directory of menu items taken from the UHM Food Vendors and Manoa Dining Services. In addition to organizing menus by vendor, you should also organize the data by menu item type (ethnicity, vegan, etc.).

Users should be able to indicate preferences and/or food types to exclude in their profile, which will help the app to present more useful choices.

For places with weekly or daily changing menus, admins should be able to login to provide this data. Admins can also ban users who violate the terms of use.

Upon first login, all users must agree to Terms of Use before they obtain access to the system.

Mockup page ideas

Some possible mockup pages include:

Use case ideas

Whether or not the following bullet points list all pages or not, the completed use case should show an end-to-end scenario of using the system.

Beyond the basics

After implementing the basic functionality, here are ideas for more advanced features: