Install MySQL/MariaDB DBMS Software

You will need to use a DBMS to try out the SQL commands and queries when we start learning the SQL query language and when you work on the SQL homework assignment. While SQL is a standard, every vendor implements it with some quirks. For this course, we standardize on the MySQL community edition database. If you’re running linux MySQL has been replaced by a compatible DBMS called MariaDB.

It is best to install the software NOW during the first week of the semester when you have less homework and more free time.

If you’re using a Windows based machine

  1. Go to the MySQL community downloads

  2. Download and install the appropriate version and follow the installation instructions.

If you’re using a Linux based machine

  1. Use your package manager to install the mysql package
    ex. for Fedora/Red Hat based distros
    sudo dnf install mariadb mariadb-server
    ex for Ubuntu/Debian based distros
    sudo apt-get install mariadb mariadb-server

If you’re using a MacOS X based Machine

  1. Go to the MySQL community downloads

  2. Download and install the appropriate version and follow the installation instructions.

Test if your installation works.

You’ll need to start the database server before logging in so issue the following commands on a terminal:

systemctl start mariadb-server  


You should then be prompted with a database shell

  MariaDB [(none)]>