This page collects together all of the “outcomes” associated with individual modules. Outcomes identify what students will know and be able to do if they master the material.
Students mastering the material in this course will achieve the following student learning outcomes for the ICS undergraduate degree program:
Referencing modules: Learning in a pandemic
You understand how to apply Issue-Driven Project Management using the GitHub hosting service to implement a simple agile software process.
Referencing modules: IDPM Project Management
Referencing modules: Unit Testing
Referencing modules: IDPM Review
Learn to collaborate more efficiently in a team by breaking a project into sequence of milestones, and each milestone into issues which are assigned to group members and tracked in GitHub.
Referencing modules: IDPM Project Management
Assessed by:
Learn to write user and developer-level documentation.
Referencing modules: IDPM Project Management
Assessed by:
Referencing modules: Deployment