ICS 390: Computing Ethics for Lab Assistants

Description: The course concentrates on the theory and practice of computer and information ethics. It covers the basics of ethical decision‐making, and emphasizes group work and presentations. Topics studied in the course include risk and reliability, privacy, info‐war, crime, access, business ethics, copyright, patents, and other relevant, timely issues. The class uses writing (term papers, weekly on-line written discussions and reviews, and critiques) to promote the learning of course materials. The class uses oral presentations and activities (presentations, class discussions, critiques, lab sessions, contact hours, and teaching) to promote learning courses materials.


Course Learning Outcomes: See objectives.

Program Learning Outcomes

Prerequisites: 101 (Alpha) and consent.

Textbook(s): Ethics for the Information Age, 6th Edition, Michael J. Quinn

Grading: 2 essays (8% each), on-line discussion (27%), in-class discussion and facilitation (15%), presentation (8%), lab and open lab support (14%), teaching (18%), instructional critique (2%).

Policies: - Plagiarism will not be tolerated. All sources must be cited. Instruction on how to correctly cite a source will be given before the first paper is due. An assignment including plagiarized material will receive an F. - Late assignments will lose 10% for each day late (starting immediately after the time the assignment is due). The final essay and on-line discussions will not be accepted for credit if they are submitted late. All assignments are required, even if they are too late to be worth anything.
- Attendance is required at all course sessions. If a student would like to make-up missed work due to a valid excused absence, the student must contact the instructor and provide documentation for the excused absence on the day the student returns to class.
