For any module not marked as “Coming Soon”, click on it to go to a page containing details.
Overview of ICS 111, and some simple initial tasks to get oriented and ready for the course.
RadGrad: Developing awesome computer scientists, one graduate at a time.
Overview of computing and computer architecture.
8/22 - 8/25
Overview of the Java development environment.
8/23 - 8/28
Programming in the Small part 1, coding.
Programming in the Small part 2.
Programming in the Large I: Subroutines
9/23 - 10/06
Demonstrate your mastery of the material in this course up to this point.
Programming in the Large II: Objects and Classes.
10/14 - 10/27
Basics of Graphical User Interfaces (GUI)s.
Basics about Arrays and ArrayLists.
Simple recursion.