Practice: Subroutines

Take out a piece of paper. We’ll be programming on paper.

Write Java code for the following problems.

Problem 1

Write a public static subroutine hexValue that takes a char and returns the char’s value as an int. Use the following table:

char Hex Value
‘0’ 0
‘1’ 1
‘2’ 2
‘3’ 3
‘4’ 4
‘5’ 5
‘6’ 6
‘7’ 7
‘8’ 8
‘9’ 9
‘A’ 10
‘B’ 11
‘C’ 12
‘D’ 13
‘E’ 14
‘F’ 15

Problem 2

Write a public static subroutine getHexValue that takes a String and calculates the Hexidecimal value fo the string. Use the hexValue subroutine.

Big Hint

int value = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
  value = value * 16 + hexValue( str.charAt(i) );

Show me your code before you leave