Module: Typescript 1: Basics

Basic Typescript coding: variables, expressions, conditionals, loops, functions, arrays, objects.

Learning Outcomes

Fundamental Javascript and Typescript

Create high quality technical essays


Guided tour of the Typescript 1 module

Why, what, how, and when you will learn about Typescript, Phase 1.

JavaScript vs. TypeScript: What's the difference?

Why you want to learn Javascript first then Typescript

Introduction to Typescript Playground

Quick introduction to the Typescript Playground environment

ZE Javascript/Typescript Style Guide

Javascript/Typescript style guidelines for ICS 314

ES6: for-of, for-in

How to iterate over arrays and objects in ES6

Experiential Learning

E07a: Intro to Javascript (FreeCodeCamp)

Basic syntax: functions, loops, if-then-else, arrays, objects

E07b: Intro to Typescript (FreeCodeCamp)

Basic Typescript typing syntax

E08: Project Euler Problem 1

Solve the first Project Euler problem

E09: isUnique (CTCI, #1)

Solve the first CTCI problem

E10: Reflect on Typescript

Write a technical essay summarizing your learning about Typescript.