Spring 2022 ICS 314 Student-generated project ideas

Here are additional project possibilities for ICS 314 students:


The Problem: Many students at UH commute to school via car to “save money” yet with rising gas prices and the hybrid UH classes, driving to school alone can be inefficient and costly to both the student and the economy.

The Solution: CarpoolUH is an application for University of Hawaii students, allowing drivers to offer rides and riders to search for rides in their area that work for their schedules.

If you pick this project, you cannot name your app “CarPoolUH”.

For other ideas related to this project, see https://sanehirakenji.github.io/essays/final-project-idea.html


The Problem: Many students come to the University of Hawaii for both the outstanding education and the breathtaking views and destinations. Oahu has a lot to offer its students from abroad with a plethora of views, eats, and memorable destinations . It is difficult however for a newcomer to become familiar with the island without any guidance or outlet.

The Solution: This application will solve this problem by providing a hub for students in search of fun experiences or memorable locations. Hawaii is well known for being a tourist destination and there are many good restaurants and sites to visit. The application will provide destination ideas along with reviews, for users to find a place they are interested in.

If you pick this project, you cannot name your app “Fun In The Sun”.

For other ideas related to this project, see https://rubegen.github.io/essays/final-project-idea.html

Workout Warriors

The Problem: UH students can often ignore exercise, due to a busy schedule and constant schedule changes. Although a lot of people like to work out alone, many prefer a partner/group to workout with for a variety of reasons and for some students finding a group of people to play sports with is challenging as well.

The Solution: Our solution to this is the “Workout Warriors” website which helps connect the UH community together and offers opportunities to meet new people and join group activities with other students that would otherwise be hard to find.

If you pick this project, you cannot name your app “Workout Warriors”.

For other ideas related to this project, see https://scott-yuk.github.io/essays/final-project-idea.html

Helium Network Monitor

The Problem: The Helium Network is a decentralized network that transmits data over LoRaWAN, and rewards its hotspot owners with the $HNT token for Proof of Coverage (PoC). Launched in 2019, it has climbed to be the largest, public, decentralized LoRaWAN Network in the world. With rapid accelerated growth, adopters of multiple hotspots on the network struggle to monitor the activity of said hotspots effectively. With the Helium Dev team focused on improvements to the PoC algorithm, and combating spoofing, the management of earnings, transaction history, and diagnostics has been set aside with the ability of the community to handle these shortcomings via the Helium API.

The Solution: A web interface that users can login to that displays the status, history, and data on their hotspots would allow for informed monitoring of the data across multiple hotspots as the network continues to grow. Access to earnings, transaction history, and diagnostics allows for hotspot contributors to react to changes in the network effectively.

If you pick this project, you cannot name your app “Helium Network Monitor”.

For other ideas related to this project, see https://hnlcory.github.io/essays/finalProjEssay.html