Spring 2022 ICS 613 Student-generated project ideas

Here are the two project possibilities for ICS 613 students. Note that as graduate students, you should take on a more complicated project than one of the “canned” projects for ICS 314.


The Problem: Journal editors and conference chairs find it increasingly difficult to find reviewers for publication manuscripts. At the same time, researchers receive an overwhelming number of invitations to review papers.

The Solution: We propose a platform that better matches papers for review with potential reviewers by pooling researchers with similar interests together. Editors/chairs can post abstracts in need of review and researchers can select abstracts of papers they’d like to review.

To make this a reasonable graduate-level project, the system should include some sort of “scraper” that uses public data sets to build a set of reviewers appropriate for a given paper topic.

If you pick this project, you cannot name your app “ReviewerFinder”.

For other ideas related to this project, see https://john-dobbs.github.io/essays/final-project-idea.html


The Problem: Renters and homeowners entering a contractual agreement will sometimes be overly cautious about entering the deal. Not only that but people who get into disputes need an immutable record to rely upon. This is especially true when it comes to students attempting to find housing.

The Solution: Solution is to utilize smart contracts to create a renter/rentee framework that would allow participants to enter an agreement with less uncertainty that they’re not going to get screwed over. This will also provide a single market place where landlords can post their properties and students can browse them.

If you pick this project, you cannot name your app “SmartRentals”.

For other ideas related to this project, see https://htobin.github.io/essays/final-project-idea.html