M2 Handy Checklist

Functional Requirements

[ ] 4 pages in addition to the Landing page should be available in the deployment.

[ ] At least one page in the deployment reads data from the database (i.e. from MiniMongo).

[ ] At least one page in the deployment writes data to the database (i.e. using a form).

Software Engineering Requirements

[ ] GitHub project board for M1. No, in progress or to do issues.

[ ] GitHub project board for M2. No, in progress or to do issues.

[ ] GitHub project board for M3. One in progress issue for each team member. At least twice as many to do issues.

[ ] All branches use the IDPM naming conventions.

[ ] TestCafe “availability” tests for all pages.

[ ] System under contiguous integration using GitHub Actions. The system is checked for ESLint errors and all TestCafe tests are run.

Project Home Page Requirements

[ ] Link to GitHub organization.

[ ] Link to the team contract.

[ ] An “Overview” which summarizes what the system does and the problems it is intended to solve for the UH Community.

[ ] A “User Guide” section. The user guide should guide the user through all the currently implemented functionality of the system. The user guide should include up-to-date screenshots with textual descriptions of what the user can accomplish on the page.

[ ] A “Developer Guide” section. The developer guide should guide a developer through the process of downloading, installing, running, and modifying the system.

[ ] Deployment section with a link to the deployed application.

[ ] Display the current results of continuous integration via a badge.

[ ] Link to the M1 project board.

[ ] Link to the M2 project board.

[ ] Link to the M3 project board.

Project participation

[ ] Each team member has participated significantly and approximately equally.

[ ] Each team mmber has filled out the M2 project participation survey.

Submission requirements

[ ] Every team member has provided the link to their github.io project page in Laulima by the deadline.