So. What do you think about Javascript so far? If you’re a complete newbie, how does it compare to other programming languages that you know? If you have prior experience, did you learn new things from this module, perhaps with respect to ES6? Do you think Javascript is a good or bad programming language from a software engineering perspective?
What about athletic software engineering? Did you find the practice WODs to be useful? What do you think about this style of learning? Is it stressful? Is it enjoyable? Do you think it will work for you?
Discuss your own personal experiences and do not talk in generalities.
[ ] Name the essay file according to its subject.
[ ] Create an interesting title that draws in the reader.
[ ] Use appropriate spelling and grammar.
[ ] Write for the world, not the professor.
[ ] Format code appropriately.
[ ] Use internal headings to structure your essay.
[ ] Format and attribute quotations.
[ ] Include pictures or other media.
[ ] Don’t be boring, don’t be inappropriate.
[ ] Review your post’s content and appearance.
[ ] One paragraph is not enough.
[ ] Explain use of AI such as ChatGPT in research and writing the essay.
By the time and date indicated on the Schedule page, write a technical essay regarding this module. You can use the issues above as a starting point, but write a stand-alone essay: don’t just answer them like it’s a homework assignment! Once you’ve finished the essay submit it using Laulima.
Please note the following:
Your submission should be a URL providing a direct link to your (HTML formatted) essay contained within your professional portfolio website (not a link to the home page of your portfolio website, not a link to the essays directory page of your website, not a link to the markdown source or a google doc or a PDF etc). Here’s an example of an acceptable URL: Here’s an example of an unacceptable URL: If the link does not work, you will not get credit for your essay.
An entry for your essay must also appear in the Essays page of your portfolio. Check this before submission. If it is not listed, it’s probably because your YAML front matter is incorrect. See the Essay Content section of the TechFolio documentation for details.
Be sure that your essay is ready for evaluation before submitting it via Laulima. I often click on the link as soon as I receive the submission. If the essay is empty or only partially complete when I click on the link, you might not receive credit.
Your essay must be original content, written during this semester reflecting your current views and writing style. You cannot submit essays that you wrote previously for this assignment. The purpose of this assignment is for you to practice writing right now, this semester.
If you use ChatGPT or other AI to support your writing, you must attribute the way you used it. Note that using AI to write your assignment, rather than assist with grammar and so forth, is unlikely to result in a good essay that reflects your “voice”.