The goal of this practice WOD is to get your feet wet doing very basic HTML using IntelliJ and LiveReload.
Start your timer.
Create a GitHub repository called browserhistory and clone it to your local file system.
Create an IntelliJ project called browserhistory in your repo, and a file within it called index.html.
If you’re using LiveReload, enable it for this folder.
Make the index.html file contain an HTML document whose title and top-level section is named “A history of browsers”.
Structure the document into four subsections: “Introduction“, “A brief history of IE“, “A brief history of Firefox“, and “A brief history of Chrome“. The links take you to text you can use for each of these sections. Be sure to preserve the paragraphs.
Create one link within each section to an external web page. Choose what to link yourself. For example, if the text mentions “Google”, you can make that text link to ““. Since there are four sections, there should be four links total. Choose a different link for each section.
Create an initial section called “Table of Contents”, and create an itemized list within it with links to each of the four internal sections (Introduction, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome) in this document.
The three sections describing the browsers should start with their logos. Here are links to the logos: IE, Firefox, Chrome. The logos should be displayed in the page with a width of 100 pixels.
Once you’ve finished, commit your changes to GitHub, and check to see that they are there.
Stop your timer and record your time. Be sure to record it, because you will need your WOD time data when you write your technical essay.
The following image shows what it should look like (click to see full size):
When finished, stop your timer, and record how many minutes it took you to complete the WOD.
Rx: <17 min Av: 17-20 min Sd: 20-25 min DNF: 25+ min
Once you’ve finished doing the WOD a single time, watch me do it. (Note that the repo and project created in this video is named “browserhistory1”, but please follow the above instructions and name them “browserhistory”).
You’ll learn significantly less from watching me solve the WOD if you haven’t attempted the WOD yourself first.
While it’s an achievement to finish the WOD no matter how long it takes, you might experience “diminishing returns” if you work longer than the DNF time. Thus, it is usually strategic to stop working at the DNF time and watch my solution.
After watching my solution, I recommend that you repeat the WOD if you have not achieved at least Av performance. If so, be sure to:
Feel free to keep trying until you make Rx if that’s of interest to you.
By the time and date indicated on the Schedule page, submit this assignment via Laulima.
You must grant read access to this repo to the TA for your section. To do this:
Your submission should contain:
A link to the GitHub repository created as a result of your latest attempt at this practice WOD. Make sure you include the complete URL so that I can click on it in my mailer. Note: the final commit to this repo must have been made before the submission time and date, otherwise you will not receive credit for this assignment.
The number of times you have attempted this practice WOD so far, and for each time, how long it took you.
You will receive full credit for this practice WOD as long as you have attempted it at least once and submitted your work on Laulima with all required data before the due date. Your code does not have to run perfectly for you to receive full credit. However, if you do not repeat each practice WOD until you can finish it successfully in at least AV time, you are unlikely to do well on the in-class WOD. To reduce the stress associated with this course, I recommend that you repeat each practice WOD as many times as necessary to achieve at least AV before its due date.