HACC-Hui User Stories

  1. US-A1: As an administrator, I want to register with HACC-Hui so I can get my credentials. Done

  2. US-A2: As an administrator, I want to login to HACC-Hui and configure the application.

  3. US-A3: As an administrator, I want to learn the team formation status to better understand the situation.

  4. US-A4: As an administrator, I want to see analytics of user interactions to improve team formation process in future years.

  5. US-D1: As a developer, I want to register with HACC-Hui to join a great team. Done

  6. US-D2: As a developer, I want to login to HACC-Hui and develop my profile, so I can be matched with the best open team.

  7. US-D3: As a developer, I want to suggest a new skill or tool to improve HACC-Hui matching.

  8. US-D4: As a developer, I want to create a team, so we can solve a challenge and win the HACC.

  9. US-D5: As a team owner, I want to update the team to reflect the current status.

  10. US-D6: As a team owner, I want to delete the team.

  11. US-D7: As a developer, I want to see which team is the best fit for me.

  12. US-D8: As a developer, I want to indicate I’m interested in joining a team.

  13. US-D9: As a team owner, I want to issue an invitation to a developer to join our team.

  14. US-D10: As a developer, I want to see all the team invitations and decide if I want to join that team.

  15. US-D11: As a team owner, I want to invite all the team members to join the team.

  16. US-D12: As a developer, I want to be able to leave a team at any time.

  17. US-D13: As a developer, I want to be able to delete my HACC-Hui account at any time.

  18. US-D14: As a team owner, I want to be able to create my team with members, but some members might not be registered with HACC-Hui.


          |- US-A2
                 |     |-US-D13
                 |     |-US-D14
                 |     |-US-D4
                 |           |-US-D5
                 |           |-US-D6
                 |           |-US-D7
                 |           |-US-D8
                 |                 |-US-D9
                 |                 |     |-US-10
                 |                 |-US-11
                 |                 |-US-12
                 |                 |-US-A3

Milestone User Story Mapping

Milestone 1:

Milestone 2

Milestone 3

Milestone 4