Readings "Passive" learning opportunities

This page collects together all of the “readings” associated with individual modules.

In this site, readings represent “passive” learning opportunities, as opposed to experiences, which represent “active” learning opportunities. In many courses, readings and experiences together constitute the “assignments”.

Module: Learning in a pandemic

COVID-19 Adjustments

How COVID-19 will impact on ICS 414

Manoa Moving Forward: Student FAQs

Health and wellness, student learning, housing and dining services, space planning

Lumisight UH App

App for daily self-attestation of health status

UH Manoa in the age of COVID-19

Campus policies and health guidelines.

How to Work From Home

20 Tips From People Who Do It Successfully

How to succeed in your office job when there is no office

The coronavirus has many of us trying to be productive at home. Here are some tips for all of us, including our bosses.

10 Cheap and Easy Ways to Level Up Your Home Office

Simple tips and tricks to help make the most of your home office.

Making the best of virtual learning

Some Advice From The Founder Of Khan Academy

These companies enabled the work from home transition

Here’s what they learned

Shift to Remote Work Offers Opportunity for Hawaii

Richard Matsui has moved back home and thinks others will do the same

Module: Introduction

Guided tour of the Introduction module

Introducing the introduction.

ICS 414 Syllabus

Basic information about the class

Project Teams

The randomly assigned teams

Module: IDPM Project Management

GitHub Issue Guidelines

Guidelines for GitHub Issue Specification

IDPM AntiPatterns

Don’t use forks, pull requests, or rebasing with IDPM

Module: Industrial Strength Meteor

Introducing the Meteor Application Template React Production (MATRP)

An industrial strength Meteor Application Template React

Wrapping Mongo Collections

Gaining more control over the Mongo collections

Meteor Guide: Methods

How to use Methods, Meteor’s remote procedure call system, to write to the database.

Module: Usability Evaluation, Part 1

Guided tour of the usability evaluation module (Part 1)

What’s in store for this module.

Introduction to usability evaluation

Usability evaluation for developers

Usability Testing (1): Overview

What is usability testing, and why do it.

Usability Testing (2): The Plan

The first step in usability testing is the development of a plan.

Usability Testing (3): Recruiting participants

Recruit participants who are similar to your site users.

Usability Testing (4): Reporting results

Provide findings organized by severity

The 1-page usability test plan

Provides an overview of a usability test in a single page

When observing users is not enough: 10 guidelines for getting more out of user's verbal comments

A psychotherapist explains how to avoid or minimize certain biases when eliciting and interpreting users’ verbal comments

RadGrad Usability Study Consent Form

Consent form to be provided to study participants

Module: IDPM Review

Introduction to Software Review

Software Inspection, Technical Reviews, Walkthroughs

IDPM Review

How to do issue driven project management reviews

Review Checklists Overview

A quick overview of the review checklists for ICS 414

Module: Unit Testing

Introduction to testing

Motivation, unit, integration, and acceptance testing, and continuous integration

Meteor Guide: Testing

How to test Meteor applications

Mocha: A Javascript Test Framework

Reference guide to Mocha

Chai: A Javascript Assertion Library

Reference guide to Chai

The testing pyramid should look more like a crab

It’s time to fully embrace end-to-end (acceptance) testing

Module: Acceptance Testing

Test Cafe: A Javascript Acceptance Test Framework

Reference guide to TestCafe

Module: Deployment

How to deploy software

Deployment goals. Preparation, branching, controlling, and monitoring deployments.

Deploy a Meteor app to Digital Ocean

Deploy using Meteor Up to Digital Ocean

Monitor MongoDB at Digital Ocean

Inspect your MongoDB database on Digital Ocean using Robo3T

Meteor Application Performance Monitoring

Use Monti APM for development and production

Custom domain names for Digital Ocean

How set up a custom domain name for your Meteor application


Use Meteor Up to set up HTTPS on Digital Ocean

Refreshing the data in development and deployment

How to clear and reinitialize the database.