Javascript and ESLint Checklist

Best practices for Javascript and ESLint.


JS-01: Name constructs appropriately.

Do variables/functions/modules conform to our naming standards? (Consistent casing, descriptive names, etc.)

JS-02: Use the spread operator when appropriate.

Can you use the spread operator?

JS-03: Use object deconstruction when appropriate.

Can you use object deconstruction?

JS-04: Use arrow functions when appropriate.

Can you use arrow functions? Note that arrow functions are normally better, except in Mocha tests.

JS-05: Avoid lodash or underscore, _.filter, etc.

ES6 includes many of the lodash or underscore functions. Use the built-in function rather than the lodash or underscore version when possible.

JS-06: Avoid console.logs.

Get rid of console.log.

JS-07: Use JSDoc comments appropriately.

When a comment starts with ‘/**’, it will be processed by JSDoc. Please ensure those comments are appropriate for inclusion.


ES-01: No errors, avoid warnings.

Are there ESLint errors or warnings that should be removed?

ES-02: Consider modifying our standards.

Based upon your review of code, should we be modifying the set of ESLint rules?