1. Experience the Firebase Codelab


For this experience, you will go through the Get to know Firebase for Flutter Codelab and create a sample app for your personal library that documents this experience.

The Codelab starts by having you clone the Flutter codelabs repo. Then, it directs you to work in this directory, editing the files to incrementally build the working application. For this experience, we want you to instead create a GitHub repo containing your work, and this requires a few modifications to the Codelab instructions.

Modifications to the Codelab workflow

Steps 1 and 2: Get the sample code

First, instead of doing all of the work in the flutter Codelabs repo, you will create your own personal repo to hold your work:

  1. Create a new private GitHub repo called “flutter_firebase_codelab”.
  2. Clone this repo to your computer.
  3. Instead of running git clone to obtain Flutter codelabs repo, go to https://github.com/flutter/codelabs, click the green “Code” button, and select “Download zip”.
  4. Unzip the codelabs-main.zip file, find the firebase-get-to-know-flutter/step_02 subdirectory, and copy it into your flutter_firebase_codelab directory. (Be sure to copy the contents of the step_02 directory, not the directory itself!).
  5. Run this code in the simulator to ensure that it works correctly.
  6. Edit the “Firebase Meetup” string in the HomePage widget to include your initials. For example, “Firebase Meetup (PJ)”. This helps you test that your installation is successful, and also verifies that you have done the codelab yourself.

Step 3: Create the Firebase Project

This step involves creation and configuration of a Firebase project. You can follow those instructions as written.

It took me a while to get the Firebase CLI installed correctly. On MacOS, I needed to add $HOME/.pub-cache/bin to my PATH (not $HOME/flutter/.pub-cache/bin as specified in the instructions).

Step 4: Configure Firebase

Follow these instructions to install packages and create the firebase_options.dart file in your project.

You can skip the section “Configure MacOS”.

I suggest that you commit and push your changes to your project at this point in the codelab, so that you have a working version to return to in case you run into problems below.

Step 5: Add RSVP functionality

Once you get to the end of this section and verify that your app handles authentication correctly, commit your working code to GitHub as a checkpoint.

Steps 6-10

I was able to follow the instructions and complete the codelab without any additional shenanigans.

I suggest you commit your code at the completion of each step just to provide a working place to return to.

Submission Instructions

By the date and time listed in the Schedule page, please upload the URL to your working GitHub repo to Laulima.