Flutter Codelab: Your first Flutter app


For this experience, start with the following steps to initialize your development environment:

  1. Create a private GitHub repository called “flutter_startup_namer”. (Note the use of underscores, not hyphens. This follows Flutter best practices for app naming.) Add a README file to make it easier to clone to your desktop.
  2. Make me a collaborator so I can view your work.
  3. Clone it to your laptop.
  4. In the parent directory of that directory, run flutter create --no-overwrite flutter_startup_namer in a terminal or shell window. This will produce the Flutter app skeleton at the top level of your GitHub repo.
  5. Change directory into flutter_startup_namer, and run flutter run to verify that your laptop is configured correctly for Flutter and can run the skeleton app. Once you’ve verified that it runs correctly, you can type “q” to quit execution.
  6. Now open your repo in IntelliJ.
  7. Open the iOS or Android Simulator, then run the template code and see it in the simulator. This verifies you can also run the system from within your editor.

Now that you’ve established a working codebase and development environment, proceed with Your first Flutter app.


If you like, you can watch a Flutter core developer work through this Codelab:

Submission Instructions

By the date and time listed in the Schedule page, please submit the URL to your GitHub repo in Laulima.

Don’t forget to make me (philipmjohnson) a collaborator so I can view your work!