For this experience, you will submit the URL to your project site.
The project site URL is the “final resting place” for your project. If you do a good job on this project site, it can be an effective showcase for your skills in mobile app development that you will want to provide to future potential employers.
The project site should include all of the sections described here. In addition:
The usage section should contain the latest screenshots of all the implemented features of the app. All pages should have a short textual description of what the page accomplishes. The value proposition of your app should be clear from the user guide.
A Usability Test section should contain a link to the page on the site where you present the usability test design and its results.
A Deployment section should explain where the system can be found (Google Play Store, Test Flight, etc.), or that the system is not yet deployed.
For the Development Status section: If you used just one project board, then the “Done” column should provide a kind of high level overview of what each group member worked on. If you used multiple project boards, then make sure there are links to all of them in this section. It is completely fine for your final project board to contain unfinished issues at the end of the semester. Just make sure the project board(s) accurately represent the final state of work on the system.
About us: Make sure to include all of project team member(s), with links to their portfolio or LinkedIn, whichever is more appropriate. Also provide a high level summary of the contributions of each team member to the project. This is helpful when future potential employers come looking at the site. Don’t exaggerate because questions about your contributions might come up in an interview!
By the date and time listed in the Schedule page, please submit the URL to your project site to Laulima.