2. Make your Phase 2 app


Since all of the data in your Phase 1 app was hard-coded into the source code for each page, it would be unwieldy to manipulate a significant amount of data in your UI. For the Phase 2 app, you will fix this by creating an internal “data model” in your application. So, the goals of this experience are:

Notice that these goals are still exactly the same as Phase 1! The creation of a data model doesn’t require you to learn anything significantly new, but it does enable you to more easily create realistic looking pages and thus better understand what your app should do.

An Example: The Phase 2 AGC app

To get a sense for what you’re aiming for, please check out Phase 2 Flutter Mockup of the Agile Garden Club app. The major new features of this app include:

Feel free to clone this repo and run it locally to see how it works.

Phase 2 app: the code

You do not need to create a new repo for Phase 2. Just continue with your original repo. You should find that creating a data model will help you to better understand your application and its information architecture.

You still don’t need your application to be “interactive”; there is no ability to add or edit information.

An important advance in your Phase 2 is that the screens should be populated with realistic data. Now that you have a backend “database”, you should put effort into figuring out what the app would display under production conditions, and populate your database accordingly.

Phase 2 app: the project site

If you did a great job on your project site for Phase 1, then the only updates to this site will be to include screenshots of any new pages you’ve implemented since Phase 1.

However, in many cases, you will have been given feedback on ways to improve your project site. Please implement those suggestions for this phase.

Obviously, following the link to the Project Board should yield the current status of development.

Submission Instructions

By the date and time listed in the Schedule page, each group member should submit the URL to the group’s GitHub app repo in Laulima. Please also indicate what you’ve personally implemented since Phase 1.

Both your github.io site repo and your app repo should be public (for the semester) so that it is easy for me and others in the class to review your work.

Your project board should indicate what has been completed since Phase 1.