2. Implement a simple use of Riverpod


In the last experience, we “hand-rolled” a controller using Flutter’s ChangeNotifier class.

It turns out that the Controller design pattern is so useful and important that the Flutter community has built a variety of frameworks using Controller to support the more general concept of “state management”. There are over 40 Flutter State Management packages, but in this course we will focus on one: Riverpod.

Riverpod has a lot of features to support advanced state management issues, but fortunately you can go a long way with just a couple of simple features. And, as you’ll see, using Riverpod results in code that is more simple than the equivalent using a hand-rolled Controller class!

This experience involves two tasks.

1. Review state management readings

First, carefully review the state management readings:

2. Update your “Switch Color Controller” app to Riverpod

For this step, you’ll make a copy of your flutter_switch_color_controller app and update it to use Riverpod.

The basic steps are as follows:

  1. Create a private GitHub repo called “flutter_switch_color_controller_riverpod” and clone it to your computer.
  2. In the parent directory of that directory, run flutter create --no-overwrite flutter_switch_color_controller_riverpod. This will produce the Flutter app skeleton at the top level of your GitHub repo.
  3. Open that directory in IntelliJ.
  4. Open the iOS simulator (on MacOS), then run the template code and see it in the simulator (iPhone 14 Pro Max). This just verifies that the template runs correctly.
  5. Copy the lib/ directory from your original Switch Color Controller app into your new repo, and restart the application. You should now see your original app running.
  6. Convert this app to use Riverpod rather than a hand-rolled Controller class.


Here are some suggestions on how to do the conversion:

Submission Instructions

By the date and time listed in the schedule page, please upload the URL to your github repo to Laulima.