ICS 331: Logic Design and Microprocessors

Description: Basic machine architecture, microprocessors, bus organization, circuit elements, logic circuit analysis and design, microcomputer system design. Pre: 212 and 241, or consent.

Objectives: - Students have sufficient knowledge of digital logic to take part in joint teams with electronic engineers in the design, configuration and application of digital hardware. - Students can relate their understanding of computer architecture to the following items: electronics, digital logic, data representation, system architecture, micro operations, instruction set architecture, machine and assembly language, memory and data storage. - Students can construct and debug combinational and sequential circuits. - Students can construct, program and debug microprocessor circuits.

Program Learning Outcomes

Prerequisites: 212 and 241, or consent.

Textbook(s): Digital Logic Design: A Rigorous Approach Guy Even & Moti Medina, ISBN-10 1107027535, Cambridge University Press, 368 pages, 2012. Online copy available at: http://hyde.eng.tau.ac.il/Even-Medina/master.pdf

Grading: 11 Lab Assignments (20%) 6 Homeworks (40%) 3 Exams (40%)

Policies: Grading for ICS 331 Lab Assignments: Lab assignments must be demonstrated in the lab to the TA and the TA determines the grading in each lab assignment. Most lab assignments just have to be passed, but there will also be some lab assignments where a more detailed grade than pass/fail is given that depends on the quality of the presented solution.

Turning in assignments: For general questions, turn in a detailed write-up of your solutions that include the solution and explanations how you got to your solutions. For assignments involving programming also submit the program listing (source code) and program test runs that demonstrate your program’s behavior. NOTE: Keep backup copies of your work. These could be important if there are questions about the completion of your work.

There is no contingency for late work.

Academic Dishonesty: The occurrence of academic dishonesty will result in a grade of 0 for the assignment or exam and a memo in your ICS department file describing the incident. This will be done for each student involved. Should there be more than one memo of this type in your file, the incident will be referred to the Dean of Students. Disciplinary Sanctions - http://www.hawaii.edu/student/conduct/discipline.html Sanctions include: Warning, Probation, Rescission of Grades or Degree, Suspension & Expulsion. For more information on Academic Dishonesty see: http://www.hawaii.edu/student/conduct/imper.html

Schedule: Discrete Math Background Computer system organization Digital logic elements Combinational logic design Machine level representation of data Functional circuit modules Sequential logic design and FSMs Machine level processor organization and microarchitecture. Assembly language and assembly level machine organization. Implementation of simple processor in logic simulation tool. Implementation of computer game on simple processor.