Description: Introduction to bioinformatics to computer sciences students by focusing on how computer sciences techniques can be used for the storage, analysis, prediction and simulation of biological sequences (DNA, RNA and proteins).
- Gain knowledge of the bioinformatics field of research
- Get familiar with a selection of fundamental bioinformatics problems.
- Gain knowledge of fundamental bioinformatics tools and methods.
- Gain experience in implementation and analysis of a selection of common bioinformatics algorithms.
- Gain experience in the study of a specific bioinformatics research subject.
Course Learning Outcomes: See objectives.
Program Learning Outcomes
- a. Students can apply knowledge of computing and mathematics appropriate to the discipline
- b. Students can analyze a problem, and identify and define the computing requirements appropriate to its solution
- d. Students can function effectively on teams to accomplish a common goal
- i. Students can use current techniques, skills, and tools necessary for computing practice
Prerequisites: one ICS 300-level course or consent.
Grading: Quizzes and exercises (40%),
Scientific papers and assignment (25%)
Final exam (35%)
- Week 1: What is Bioinformatics?
- Week 2: Database
- Week 3: DNA, RNA and protein sequences
- Week 4: Sequence alignment.
- Week 5-6: Database search and multiple alignment
- Week 7-8: Phylogenetics
- Week 9-10: Annotation and Machine learning
- Week 11: Nucleic Acid secondary structure prediction.
- Week 12-15: Special topics
- Week 16: Revision