ics312_arithmetic_shift.asm [Download]
; This simple program demonstrates the use of valid arithmetic
; shifts to perform multplication/divisions of signed numbers,
; and the use of imul whenever shifts cannot be used
%include "asm_io.inc"
segment .data
segment .text
global asm_main
enter 0,0 ; setup
pusha ; setup
mov al, 0C3h ; al contains signed number -61d
dump_regs 1
sal al, 1 ; multiply it by 2: -122d
dump_regs 2
sar al, 3 ; divide it by 8 and lose bits: -16d
dump_regs 3
movsx ax, al ; sign extension to enable use of imul
dump_regs 6
imul ax, 16 ; multiply by 16
dump_regs 7
movsx eax, ax ; sign extension to eax for printing!
dump_regs 8
call print_int ; print the result: -256
call print_nl
popa ; cleanup
mov eax, 0 ; cleanup
leave ; cleanup
ret ; cleanup