Experiential Learning "Active" learning opportunities

This page collects together all of the “experiences” associated with individual modules.

In this site, experiences represent “active” learning opportunities, as opposed to readings, which represent “passive” learning opportunities. In many courses, readings and experiences together constitute the “assignments”.

Module: Introduction to ICS 111

Practice Quiz

Example inclass quiz.

Module: Computer Fundamentals

Practice: Computer Fundamentals

Module: Java Environment

E01: Environment configuration

Configure your development environment.

Module: Names and Things

Practice: Starting Programming

Getting started, writing programs.

Practice: Starting Programming

Getting started with writing programs.

H01: Simulate different types of dice.

Write a program that simulates different types of dice.

Practice: TextIO

Writing simple programs with Input and Output.

Practice: Division and Modulus

Writing simple programs with / and %.

H02: Calculate Change.

Write a program that calculates the change.

Module: Control

Practice Looping and Branching

Writing simple while loops with if statements.

Practice: More Loops

Programming with loops

H03: Simulate a pair of six sided dice.

Write a program that answers the question how many times must you roll the dice?

Practice: Branching

Practice: Exceptions

Working with exceptions

H04: Processing a file.

Write a program to process a text file.

Module: Subroutines

Practice: Subroutines

Working with Subroutines

Practice: Parameters

Writing subroutines with parameters.

Evaluating Java Expressions

Simple game to help with evaluating expressions.

H05: Simulate a pair of dice

Write a program that simulates a pair of dice.

Evaluating Java Expressions

Simple game to help with evaluating expressions.

Practice: More Subroutines

More practice writing subroutines.

Practice: More Subroutines

More practice

H06: Addition Quiz.

Write a program that administers a basic hexidecimal addition quiz.

Module: Midterm

Practice: Midterm

Take a practice midterm.

Midterm Exam

Exam on everything so far.

Module: Objects and Classes

Practice: Classes

Player class.

Practice: Classes

Playing the Pig game.

H07: Two-Dice Pig Game

Write a program that allows players to play Two-Dice Pig.

Practice: Inheritance

Practice: Interfaces

H08: Addition Quiz with classes.

Update your program that administers a basic hexidecimal addition quiz.

Module: Introduction to GUI programming

Practice: Graphics Class

Practicing drawing using Graphics class.

Practice: Object Oriented Design

Practice creating compound objects.

H09: Graphical Pair of Dice

Write a program that shows a pair of dice.

Practice: TwoDicePigPanel

Create a TwoDicePigPanel class.

H10: Graphical Two Dice Pig

Write a graphical program that plays Two Dice Pig.

Module: Arrays and ArrayLists

Practice: Dynamic Array of Strings

Practice building constructor and instance variables.

Practice: Dynamic Array of Strings

Writing the reallocate and add methods.

H11: Dynamic Array of Strings

Write a dynamic array of Strings class.

Practice: Dynamic Array of Strings

Practice building constructor and instance variables.

Module: Recursion

Practice: Recursion

Fibonacci Numbers.

Practice: Recursion

Write a recursive factorial function.

H12: Recursion, Anagrams

Write a recursive method to print out the anagrams of given words.