For this in-class group WOD, you will work in teams of two to re-implement your Bootstrap 5 version of Murphy’s Bar and Grill Home page using Bootstrap 5/React.
Note that you will find your code that you developed in last week’s in-class assignment to be helpful. If you wish, you can use a sample solution rather than your own code.
You will also find your solution to Experience Island Snow in React to be helpful.
Here are the steps:
Create a private GitHub repo called murphys-react and initialize it with a README.
Clone it to your local workspace (preferably using GitHub Desktop).
Create an IntelliJ IDEA project called “murphys-react” that points to your local repo.
Create a .gitignore file, and ignore node_modules
, *.iml
and .idea
Change directory into murphys-react/ and invoke npx create-react-app my-app
. (This may take a few minutes.)
Change directory into my-app/.
Install Bootstrap 5 by typing npm install react-bootstrap bootstrap react-bootstrap-icons --save
Remove all the files in the src/ directory (rm -f src/*
Copy the style.css file from your In class Murphys project into the src/ directory.
Create an index.js file with the following contents:
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';
import './style.css';
import { Container } from 'react-bootstrap';
const Murphys = () => (
<h1 className="text-center">Murphy's</h1>
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root'));
root.render(<Murphys />);
(You can switch to JSX if IntelliJ asks. Also, you can disable ESLint for this week.)
Edit the public/index.html
to update the title of the React App.
Now run npm start
in your shell. If all goes according to plan, you should see the following appear at http://localhost:3000:
Take a look at the index.html file from your Murphy’s inclass experience. You can see that the home page consists of three sections:
Similar to the Island Snow with React experience, create three React components, one for each section of the site.
When you finish, the site should look like this:
Note that getting the middle alignment in the center section is a little tricky. If you can’t figure it out, ask the instructor to show you how to add a style attribute to your Grid component to fix its size at 500px.
When you’ve finished, commit and push your repo to GitHub.
Then raise your hands so I can check your work.
You may grant read access to this repo to the TA for your section if you wish to receive feedback on your work. To do this:
For sections 004 and 005 search for “acatarinaoaraujo”, then click “Add collaborator”.
Rx: <20 min Av: 20-40min Sd: 40-60 min DNF: 60+ min