Module: QA Part 1: Coding standards

Incorporate coding standards and ESLint into your use of Javascript, VSCode, and GitHub.

Learning Outcomes

Use an IDE (VSCode) effectively

Fundamental Javascript and Typescript

Use configuration management tools and techniques effectively

Efficiently create software that conforms to standards

Create high quality technical essays


Guided tour of the coding standards module

Why, what, how, and when you will learn about coding standards

Introduction to coding standards

Why use coding standards, and how we will use them in this class

JS/TS on the client vs on the server

JS/TS can be run on the server (your laptop) or on the client (your browser). Here’s how.

Typescript coding standards

Typescript coding standards to observe in this class

ZE Javascript/Typescript Style Guide

Javascript/Typescript style guidelines for ICS 314

Symbolic Links in Windows 10

Handling user names with spaces in Windows 10.

Experiential Learning

E24: Improve code quality using ESLint in VSCode

Use ESLint in VSCode with our coding standards

E25: Fix bad Typescript

Fix some sample Typescript that violates our coding standards

E26: Five problems every software engineer should be able to solve (Part 1)

Solve some simple software engineering interview problems

E27: Five problems every software engineer should be able to solve (Part 2)

Solve some simple software engineering interview problems

E28: Reflect on Coding Standards

Write a technical essay summarizing your learning about Coding Standards.