Overview of ICS 314, and some simple initial tasks to get oriented and ready for the course.
Dates: Tue, Jan 9 - Thu, Jan 11
Learning Outcomes
Understand how to succeed in ICS 314
You understand the goals, structures, and procedures for learning in ICS 314.
Your computer and its software is adequate to support the experiences you will have in this course.
Guided tour of Morea course websites
How to use this website to succeed in ICS 314
Guided tour of the Introduction module
Introducing the introduction.
Introduction to ICS 314
Goals, texts, prerequisites, and more
How grades for this class will be determined
Laptop requirements
The hardware you need to succeed in software engineering
Athletic Software Engineering
An overview of Athletic Software Engineering and results from AY 2016-2017
WOD Weekly Rhythm
Course structure for learning by WODs
How to watch screencasts the smart way
There is an art to watching screencasts effectively. Here are some heuristics.
Teach yourself programming in 10 years
“Researchers have shown it takes about ten years to develop expertise in any of a wide variety of areas…”
How writing can advance your career as a developer
“I didn’t take a single English class to receive my undergraduate engineering degree. It’s a shame because writing has been arguably one of the most important skills I’ve had in my career as a software engineer and team leader.”
There Are Better Ways to Study That Will Last You a Lifetime
“Learning how to learn independently. Students don’t know much about how they learn.”
ICS 314 Syllabus
Basic information about the ICS 314
Rules of the WOD
How to stop worrying and learn to love the WOD
Experiential Learning
E00: Learn the command line
Learn how to use the command line.
E01: Environment configuration
Learn how to configure your development environment.