For this assignment, you will begin the process of creating a high quality software engineering environment on your computer.
See the Laptop Requirements page for details.
An up to date release of Mac OS/X or a Linux-based OS are the preferred operating systems for this class.
If you must use Windows, you must use Windows 10 or later so that our web application tech stack (Meteor) will install correctly. If needed, I can sign you up for MSDNAA, which will provide you with a free copy of Windows 10 or 11. Please send me a DM on Discord for details.
If you have not already, please download and install the Chrome browser.
We will use that as the standard browser for development in this class. This is because we will be using the Chrome Developer Tools package that is provided as part of that browser, which includes custom extensions for Meteor.
We will be using articles from the New York Times as a source of data for some exercises. You can get a free subscription to the New York Times as a UH student. See the New York Times page for details.
You are expected to bring your laptop to class every day. During a class period on or after the date associated with this experience on the Schedule page, I will review your environment in class.